The Best Enrichment Activities for Cats
Nobody really owns a cat; at best, we’re just their humble servants. As their humble servants, we’ll do anything to make the lives of our glorious feline overlords fun, stimulating, and enriching. After all, the more they’re kept mentally and physically active, the happier they are—and the nicer they’ll be to us!
Here are some wonderful tips on what activities to try with your cats—and how you can keep your cat safe at all times with a sliding door pet door.
What Cats Love
- Self-play toys – Obviously, you can’t play with your cat all the time, but there are a number of ways they can play by themselves when they’re alone. Springs and battery-operated toys are good, as are simpler things like cardboard boxes and tennis balls
- Foraging – Let your cat feel its inner wildness again by making it forage for its food. You can make a game of it by hiding dry food around the house or investing in a food puzzle or fun treat dispenser.
- Hunting – Cats love hunting just as much as foraging and getting them to pounce and catch things can be fun for both of you. Try a plastic milk bottle ring or hair elastic on a string—dirt cheap but universally loved—or go shopping for a variety of toys so they don’t get bored.
- Going vertical – Vertical play areas combine two of your cat’s needs: something to scratch and a place to climb up. We’ve never seen a cat which doesn’t like a cat tower, and it’s something you can easily DIY, too.
- A quiet place to lie – When the fun’s over, make sure your furry friend has somewhere they can relax without being disturbed. They’re just like us in that way: sometimes they just want to chill.
- Being taught tricks – We don’t want to start any wars here, but we’re certain that cats are just as intelligent as dogs. In fact, you can teach them tricks just like you would a dog, and they enjoy it just as much!
Outdoor Play and Keeping Your Cat Safe
If cats got their way—more than they usually do, that is—they’d be outside all the time. Yet the outside world isn’t always kind to our furry friends, so, as a compromise, you could consider setting aside an enclosed outdoor space, or “catio,” for them to play in. This will keep them safe but let them get some much-needed fresh air!
For maximum safety, it’s important you install a high-quality patio pet door. A pet door insert can be retrofitted to almost any glass or mesh security door and will give your cat the independence to come and go (and play) as it pleases.
Our sliding door pet doors are secure, convenient, and easy to install. Give your cat the freedom it demands (and deserves!) and browse our range today!