Indoor Life vs. Outdoor Life for Cats
When it comes to pet owners, there is an ongoing debate about where to keep cats. Some prefer to give their cats more freedom, and allow them to come and go in and out of the house as they please. Others don’t want a cat in the house at all. Then there are those who only allow their cats to roam in the house. After reading the facts, it’s up to you to decide on your own. However, if a cat is allowed to be outside, it’s important to make the most of tools like enclosures and cat doors.
Risks to Cats
Cats are known for being curious, so they may face more risk than other animals that go outside. They like to explore and play with new things. That can be dangerous for cats outside the home because of the risks of poisonous plants, other animals, and parasites. The human factor is an especially dangerous one because of things like traffic, pesticides, and plants they may not realize are poisonous to cats.
Things to Avoid
If you do let a cat go outside, you need to allow them to be prepared for what they might face. From the moment they walk out the cat door, there is a certain amount of risk involved. Cats need to have collars on them so that if they are lost or hurt they can be returned to their owner. They also need to be able to defend themselves. This means no cat that is allowed outside should be declawed.
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If you fear that your cat is bored in the house, or is unable to express themselves naturally, consider making your home more cat friendly. Pay attention to where your cat spends his or her time. Do you have a bush dweller or a tree dweller? Set accommodations so your cat can be higher up or has lower places to hide or explore as necessary for your particular cat. Keep the litter box clean so your cat uses it regularly and feels good about it.
You don’t really have to set up anything fancy. A cat house or even some fake plants or trees can make a perfect observation area for a cat. However, don’t forget that he or she wants your attention, too. That means you can keep your cat happier by reserving some play time to spend with him or her on a regular basis.
Outside Safety
The main concern for cats who leave the house is their safety. Your cat can be outside without facing many risks if you set it up right. Create a space the cat can get to through the cat door, but enclose the entire space. It can also be helpful to provide a shaded area so he or she can get out of the rain or the sun. In this way, your cat doesn’t just get a chance to be outside, but can determine exactly when they want to go out. At the same time, they are kept safe from other animals and poisons they might encounter if they are allowed to roam freely.