Help Your Pets Have a Healthy 2016

Whether you made a resolution to get in shape or not, your pet may be ready for some workout time. Perhaps you have noticed that your pup is having a hard time squeezing through the dog door, and it isn’t because he’s still growing in the way puppies do. Maybe your cat has a bit more of an attitude than usual. These are signs that your pet needs some play time. Even if they don’t show these signs, prevention is the best method by which to maintain good health.

Visit the Vet

Your pet needs wellness checks just like you do. Before you start anything new, you and your pet should both visit your respective medical practitioners. They can help you develop goals for making progress on your own health, as well as your pet’s. This is also a great time to get the yearly vaccinations done and address any health concerns your pets may have.

Change Up the Diet

It’s never a good idea to make extreme changes all at once. Instead, change the small things and see how they work. For example, you don’t want to change your dog’s food and treats at the same time because, if there is a bad reaction, you won’t know what caused it.

  • Add carrots to the diet by shredding them in dog food or giving your pup carrots as treats.
  • Avoid over-feeding your dog.
  • Make sure your pup always has access to plenty of water, especially after activities and during the hotter months.
  • Reward your dog with high-protein/low calorie treats.

Pet doors

Develop an Exercise Schedule

Your pups and cats need more than just a walk through their pet doors. They need time with you as well as exercise. It’s easy when you start out slowly, because it doesn’t take a lot of time out of your day or require excessive effort on your part, or on the part of your pet.

Start off with a five minute walk with your dog each morning. The morning is a great time to go for a walk, because it gets you both prepped for a busy day, and it isn’t as hot as it might be later in the day. Even though your pet may not have a busy day ahead of him or her, spending time with you in the morning is a great start to any pet’s day. If you have a cat, do five minutes of play time each morning instead of a walk.

Dog doors

Repeat the process in the evening or afternoon, depending on the weather. This is a great way to wrap up the day and feel a sense of accomplishment. It might also help your pet rest better after exercising in the evening. Each week, add five minutes onto your exercise plan until you meet your goal.

It won’t take long for you to begin noticing results. Your pets will be calmer, and you will both start to look and feel better. You may even find that you have more motivation than you did before you started exercising with your pet. Don’t forget to allow your pet access to their pet doors so that when they feel more motivated, they can head outside to play.