Some Fun Facts about Cats’ Behaviour
Cats are interesting animals with a variety of behaviours that leave most pet parents wondering what is their cat is trying to tell them, or why their cat is acting in a certain manner. Often the cat is simply doing what comes naturally. To avoid unwanted behaviours, provide the right stimulation and play environments.
- Attempting to Break the Sound Barrier: Cats can run at speeds as fast as 50 kph (31 mph). Cats have lots of stored energy and, when they need to burn it off, they will bolt through the house, bounce off furniture, and leap through the air.
- Biting Their Nails: Your cat either has a nervous habit, much like humans, or is telling you she wants her nails trimmed and groomed.
- Sprawling Out on the Floor or Sofa: When cats sit or lay in weird positions, they do so because it is comfortable and they want to relax. Your cat is telling you she feels safe.
- Sneaking Around: Slinking around corners and creeping along silently and slowly is part of their natural behaviour, and they are showing off their abilities to their pet parents.
- Making Biscuits (Kneading): Cats knead with their paws when they are happy and content. It is often accompanied by harmonious purring.
- Crazy Kitty: Cats can exhibit crazy behaviours, like meowing loudly, rolling around on the ground, or making weird twitching head and body movements. Your cat is either letting off excess energy, like she does when she runs through the house at high speeds, or is telling you there is something bothering her, like fleas biting her skin.
Your cat’s behaviour might seem odd sometimes. Just remember, in most cases your cat is simply doing what comes natural to him. Cats are nocturnal creatures and are the most active during the nighttime. If you are tired of being awakened at night whenever your cat wants to go outside, install a cat door to give him the freedom to come and go as he pleases. For more information about pet doors for your home, contact us now at 0414 922 751.