Family Movie Night: The Secret Life of Pets (Coming Soon!)

What do your pets do when you are away? You might be surprised at the antics and systems they have developed to deal with your absence. While there is at least one video that details a cat’s life exploring the neighborhood, nothing will quite spark your imagination or have you wondering exactly what the pet door leads to like The Secret Life of Pets. From the creators of Despicable Me comes a whole new story full of characters you can love, and characters you would love to hate, but just can’t.

Dog doors

Kids Will Love It, Adults Will Relate to It

As is the current trend, adult humor and social issues combined with a kid-friendly atmosphere make this movie the perfect choice for family night. Adults will be nodding their heads as they observe the way that pets handle interpersonal relationships. Children will fall in love with the many sweet characters. Adults and children alike won’t be able to stop themselves from laughing at some of the antics as these animated characters come to life.

Star Voices

Though this is an animated movie, this doesn’t mean there are not stars involved. Kevin Hart leads the way in more ways than one, with a voice and brand of humor that is impossible to ignore. Lake Bell, Hannibal Buress, Albert Brooks, and Louis CK join the cast and give life to characters who all have their own agenda and methodology.

Message to Pet Owners

As is usual with comedies like these, there is a significant message to pet owners. Many pet owners don’t think about what their pets do or how their pets imagine their lives. They may not realize that pets don’t understand things like “going to work” or time spans when they are left alone. For pet owners, these details might mean that it’s time to take a look at what is provided for the pet when you’re away and to maybe appreciate that most of the day is spent simply waiting for you to get home, even when activities are going on.

Message to Kids

For children, The Secret Life of Pets is like a glimpse into a whole other world. They may come up with ideas of what their own pets might do. They might also come to understand the importance of doing things, like having proper vet care, clean living areas, and identification tags for pets. Don’t be surprised if your kids go home and start devising new toys and engineering walkways.

In the end, The Secret Life of Pets is a fantastic movie for pet lovers of all ages. It offers an in-depth look at social issues and false assumptions, but has enough humor in it to make it a comedic joy for all ages. In essence, the pets in the movie are taking a trip down the rabbit hole via the actual pet door.

This movie isn’t just about cats and dogs, either. There is a wide variety of common household pets that just about anyone can relate to. See for yourself on the big screen in 3D on September 8! And, when you get ready to make your home a little more convenient for your pets while you are gone, be sure to look for great deals at Australia Pet Doors.

Family Movie Night