Does My Dog See in Black and White? Myths and Facts About Your Pets

There are many myths out there pertaining to our beloved pets—so many, that it can be downright impossible to determine what’s true and what’s not. One of the most common myths states that dogs can only see in black and white; this is actually false. Despite what some may say, when your dog dashes through that dog door to the yard, he or she really can see color—at least some of it, anyway.

Dog is lying on the bed

The Facts

The reality of the situation is that, as far as we know, all dogs see color, but they don’t see all of them in the same way as we do.

Like a human who deals with red-green color blindness, dogs see in shades of blue, yellow, and green rather than a full spectrum. These colors can combine into tones that range from bright to dark yellow, grayish tones, brown, and light and dark blue.

Canine researchers believe this may explain why many dogs love to chase down a yellow tennis ball; they can see it as a separate color against both the green grass and the blue sky! If your dog is having trouble finding a toy in the yard, make sure that it’s a shade he or she can see, and you’re likely to have better results next time.

The Science Behind the Eyes

The science behind the fact that dogs see these colors is really interesting. As it turns out, our canine friends have specialized photoreceptor cells in the retina called cones. Humans usually have three of these cones, allowing us to see a broader range of colors, whereas dogs only have two. Thus, your furry friend has more limited vision than you do.

Little dog with owner

When eye cones are stimulated, they send signals to the brain. Your dog’s brain then translates the information into colors. These cones also allow the eye to see fine detail, so while dogs may have better dusk, night, motion, and peripheral vision, humans still excel at seeing both color and detail.

Even though dogs cannot see the full spectrum of color that humans can, it doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy colors in the same way as humans.  Your dog’s lack of color and detail detection doesn’t slow them down at all. From busting myths to magnificent pet products, Australia Pet Doors has what you need to preserve your pet’s freedom.