Want a Rare and Unique Pet? Here Are Three Cool Pets to Own
Whether you’re a cat lover, a dog lover, or somewhere in between, we can all agree that having a pet can make life a little more bearable—but what if you’re more adventurous and want a pet that’s less domestic and more strange? Maybe you want something so special it needs a sliding door pet door? We’ve got a list of three exotic pets you’ll want to get ASAP.
The Fennec Fox
Fennec foxes are just about the cutest little fluff balls you’ve ever seen and, even at their full adult size, they are rather small. These big-eared African foxes only get to be four pounds at most, so they are easy to handle and oh-so-cuddly.
Described personality-wise as a mix between a cat and a dog (playful but still independent), fennec foxes are also the smallest breed of fox in the world. These exotic animals are legal in most states in the U.S., but be sure to check if they are legal where you live (like all pets on this list).
The Bearded Dragon
Though they may have a name that sounds fierce, bearded dragons are actually quite calm, cool pets. Native to Australia, they can get to be quite large, often growing up to two feet long, so be sure you’ve got the space for them.
While they may not look cuddly, these lizards enjoy being held and stroked (gently), so they are a great, low-maintenance pet for kids and the whole family.
The Capybara
The Capybara might seem like an unlikely choice for an exotic pet, but they are incredibly charming! These social creatures (you’ll have to get at least two, or a whole herd!) are water-loving, so be sure you have a pond or area you can create a water space for them to frolic.
Technically a rodent, the Capybara can get quite large, weighing up to 140 pounds—like a dog, but with bigger, funny toes. These unusual pets aren’t legal everywhere, so be sure to check before you buy one.
Whether you decide to opt for cool pets to own from our exotic animal list, or stick with the tried-and-true dog and cat stand-by, be sure to check out Australia Pet Doors for a sliding door pet door!