What Breed Is Best for My Family?

Pet Door Wall Installation

When deciding on adding a new member to your family, there are several factors to consider. Furry friends come in all shapes and sizes, and each breed tends to possess certain personality traits. It’s also important to recognize your ability in giving them the best life possible. Consider a pet door wall installation for your newest family member!

If you are looking to incorporate a dog into your life, it’s important to reflect on your family situation. Are you looking for a dog for just you and a partner? Are you looking for a friendly companion for your children? How old are your children? How often will you be home? Does anyone in the household have allergies? These are all very important questions to ask yourself before choosing a breed.

Here are just a few of the top-rated dogs for families:

Pet Door in Brisbane

  1. Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is an all-around great pet for anyone. They are loyal, playful, loving and intelligent. They are one of the most social breeds of dog, so they are great to bring around gatherings or to a dog park. Be sure you have enough time for your Golden, as they require plenty of activity.

  1. Labrador Retriever

Like the Golden Retriever, Labradors are a highly desired family pet. They are super intelligent and take well to training. Their obedience is what makes them such a great dog. They are loyal, protective, and friendly. They require lots of exercise and tend to love swimming. Whether a black, chocolate, yellow or white lab, they all display the same stamina and energy. They are affordable dogs that get along well with others.

Best Dog Breeds

  1. Collie

The great part about the Collie breed is that, whether a Border or Bearded Collie, they are all sweet, predictable, and well-behaved dogs. They are easily trainable and get along great with children. They live to serve, please, and protect their families. Collie dogs were originally bred to herd cattle, so they could help you out in herding your family! They do require regular grooming because of their long coats.

 Poodles, Bulldogs, Spaniels, and Terriers are also among some of the most highly desired dog breeds for families. If you work full-time and your children are at school, it’s also important to consider installing a pet door in Brisbane to give your pet the life it deserves! Good luck in your search for adding the newest member to your family.


  1. http://dogtime.com/dog-health/general/4318-kid-friendly-dogs-list
  2. http://www.petmd.com/dog/top_tens/evr_dg_top_10_for_kids
  3. http://iheartdogs.com/8-best-dog-breeds-for-families-with-children/