Dog Behavior: What’s Your Pet Trying to Tell YOU?

Good communication is important for all the relationships in your life, including the relationship you have with your dog. Your pet might be trying to tell you that they’d really appreciate a pet door, or they might be alerting you that they need to be taken to a vet. While you may think you communicate pretty well with your furry friend, check out the details below to get a better idea of how to improve communication with your dog and figure out what they are trying to say to you.

dog behavior

Excessive Talking Might Mean They Need Help

It can be adorable when your dog yelps and howls throughout the day, but if you’ve noticed that they are speaking more than usual, it could mean a problem that they are trying to share with you. Jot down the times and circumstances when they “speak” so that you can share that information with your veterinarian. Look for signs of discomfort, such as excessive licking and isolating themselves.

Chasing Their Tail Could Indicate Boredom

It can be funny to see your dog chasing their tail around the house, and it’s easy to assume that they’re just being silly. However, if you start to notice that activity on a regular basis, it’s time to consider that maybe they need more activities and play time in their life. A dog door leading to the backyard might be all that’s necessary to get them additional time outside so that they can burn off excess energy. If you are concerned that they will be in and out all night, opt for a pet door that you can lock when you want your dog in for the night. You might also think about taking more time to play with them.

Your Communication Affects Them

Just as it’s important to know what your pet is saying to you, you need to be sure that the messages you send to your pet are understood. Issue commands in a low, calm voice. Think twice before yelling or using pain as a deterrent for bad behavior, as that might only make your pet afraid and uncomfortable without correcting the actual behavior. Ensure that everyone in your family uses the same methods and techniques so that your pet doesn’t become confused.

Whether you need a pet door or a trip to the vet, keep paying attention to your dog so your communication can improve. Check out Australia Pet Doors for additional tips that can make your relationship with your dog even better.

Appreciate a Pet Door