Obedience Training Builds Domestic Harmony

Sharing your home with a dog can be a wonderful experience, especially for families, but establishing the proper pet-owner relationship is important. Untrained dogs can cause any number of problems, including chewed up shoes, soiled carpet, and incidents of aggression.

Obedience training can help pet owners maintain a happy household, as it will acclimate dogs to their role in the home and also teach them to respond to basic commands. Some basics covered in dog training classes include:

  • Socialization with other dogs and humans. Dogs are taught to respect and obey humans, and to refrain from aggressive behavior with humans and other dogs.
  • Housetraining to prevent the animal from soiling the carpet or floor.
  • Elimination of undesired behaviors, such as jumping up, chewing on clothes or furniture, or excessive barking.
  • Response to basic commands. Trainers working with dogs will teach them to sit, stay, come, and to pick up or drop items. Dog owners will find a pet trained to respond to commands is much easier to deal with than untrained animals.

Australia Pet Doors provides a wide range of cat and dog doors to suit any size pet. In business for more than a decade, Australia Pet Doors has a reputation for providing sturdy, dependable pet doors that can be installed in just about any type of door. Australia Pet Doors also sells high tech pet doors that allow entrance and egress to some pets with microchip collars, but which block others from entering or leaving the home.  To learn more, contact 0433-140-588.