Avoid Jealousy between Children and Pets
Children and pets usually end up being best buddies but, like siblings, pets sometimes experience jealousy with children at first. This is especially true if the pet is a long-time family member. Simple things like pet doors can make all the difference between a happy pet and a jealous one.
When your child is first born, your pet is bound to be a bit curious. Introduce them while calmly talking to your pet and stroking their fur. Pets don’t like to have surprises thrust on them any more than anyone else, and this particular surprise might come with boundaries they aren’t used to.
If you don’t have one already, now is the time to install a pet door. You’re going to be busy with the baby, so you don’t necessarily want to keep letting your pet in and out. Meanwhile, your pet may be experiencing some anxiety. If he or she can come and go as they please, you can reduce the anxiety and free yourself up from one of your daily chores. You’ll especially appreciate this when your baby isn’t sleeping through the night, and the last thing you want is to get out of bed to let a dog out or, worse yet, allow your dog to start barking to be let out, just as the baby drifts off to sleep.
You also need to make sure to spend some quality time with your pet. As a member of your family, you want him or her to see the baby as a new addition to the family, and not something to take away from the attention your pet would normally get.