3 Ways to Make the Holidays Safe for Your Pets
The holiday season is in full swing, which means plenty of time spent with friends, family members, and, of course, your furry companions too. During the holidays, it can be a challenge to keep your pet safe. Cats love shiny holiday lights and ornaments. Or maybe your dog unexpectedly slips through the sliding door pet door and out of an open gate!
The holidays present all sorts of dangers, but thankfully many of them are entirely avoidable. Here are five ways to make the season safe for your pets.
Don’t Share Food
It’s tempting to throw your dog a few scraps from the table, especially when those pleading eyes are looking straight into yours—but certain holiday foods can be extremely dangerous for your furry friend. Foods that you’ll want to avoid giving your pet include:
- Poultry and meat bones
- Dairy products
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Garlic and onions
- Chocolate
Though it may be the season of giving and sharing, don’t share holiday food with your pet!
Keep Holiday Plants Out of Reach
Fresh plants and greenery are common during the holiday season and, while this décor looks nice inside of your home, some plants can pose a health risk to your pet. Be sure to keep any holly, mistletoe, and poinsettia plants out of reach of your furry family member. If ingested, these plants can cause serious health problems, including death.
Keep an Eye on Open Doors & Gates
Having a sliding door pet door during the holidays makes life a lot easier. You don’t have to worry about letting your dog or cat outside to use the bathroom or to get in some exercise. One thing to be aware of with a pet door is watching for other open doors. You’ll also want to be mindful of external gates that may have been left open and unlocked.
Be sure that your guests fully close all doors and gates so that your pet can’t escape. There’s nothing worse than seeing your pet exit its pet door insert, only to see it then exiting the yard! No one wants to chase a pet on the eve of a holiday.
Considering a Patio Pet Door? Choose Australia Pet Doors
Give yourself and your pet the gift of convenience with a sliding door pet door or a pet door insert. Pet doors allow your pet to spend time outdoors, even when you aren’t home! This is ideal for pets that need daily exercise as well as for regular bathroom breaks.
At Australia Pet Doors, we sell a variety of pet door options. Visit our website today or contact our team to find the perfect door for you and your pet.